CASE: Pankreas Patient
Treating Clinic
Center for Integrative Oncology, Zürich,
Dr. B.Hübenthal (Doctor of Hematology & Oncologist)
Pankreas Carcinoma
Clinical initial Situation
Unexpected detection of peritoneal carcinosis after surgery of an navel hernia
First Diagnosis adeno CUP
PET/CT: Pankreas Carcinoma in the proc. Uncinatus
Treatment: Gemcitabine, Abraxane, local Hyperthermia up 220 W max. with tereatment area: pancreas and liver
1. Control
PET/CT after 3 Months
CR: Liver hilus LN
CR: Liver metastasis of lobus caudatus
2. Control
PET/CT after 6 months:
CR: complete remission!
3. Control
PET/CT after 9 months
CR of liver and lymphnode metastasis
4. Control
PET/CT after 12 months
PD: new sternal metastasis
Consecutive Treatment
second line therapy: Folfox 4 months
plus regional hyperthermia
OS 20 months PFS 12 months compared to mean OS of 6,3 months in unresectable pancreatic CA with chemo Combination of Gemcitabine,. Abraxane and LR-HT is feasible complete remission in the Hyperthermia area