Higher rating of the recommendation for combined hyperthermia / radiotherapy in the AGO guidelines 2019
In the AGO Guidelines for Breast Cancer, Version 2019/1D, updated 18 March 2019, the indication "Locoregional Recurrence Therapy Options for Non-Curative Cases" - page 474 - again contains the clear plus recommendation for hyperthermia (HT) in combination with radiotherapy (RT).
In "Ipsilateral relapse after primary BET radiotherapy. After mastectomy: "Re-radiation (possibly as brachytherapy) with hyperthermia", the recommendation was upgraded from plus/minus to plus (LoE 3a, GR C, +; page 473).
Combined HT/RT is thus the recommendation with the highest grade for these two indications; for the former, it only shares the plus recommendation with "concomitant radiochemotherapy", whose oxford/LoE grading is lower, however.
In the second case, the combined HT/RT is the only plus recommendation.
Together with DEGRO's current recommendation to exploit the advantages of hyperthermia, this is a clearly positive development in the acceptance of hyperthermia. It remains to be hoped that the cash register systems will also take responsibility and pay for the treatments soon. We are here with our clinical experts, permanently in contact with the responsible ones in the Ministry of Health and keep you up to date about changes.
Your Celsius42 Team
Here's the link to the guidelines: