Current DEGRO press release of 20 February 2019
The DEGRO demands: Exploit the therapeutic advantage of hyperthermia in addition to radiotherapy!
In the case of defined forms of cancer, including localised breast cancer relapses, an old, but newly discovered or scientifically proven procedure makes it possible to significantly improve the effectiveness of therapy: hyperthermia (heat treatment) makes cancer cells more sensitive to radiation therapy and thus increases its effectiveness. "The combination with hyperthermia improves the local tumour control rate by more than 20% in certain breast cancer recurrences against radiation alone - this is one reason for me to offer the procedure to all suitable patients", says Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Bodis, Chief Physician at the Radio-Oncology Centre KSA-KSB, Aarau, Switzerland.
This is a clear demand of the specialist society to seriously use hyperthermia as a tool in the therapy strategy. The Celsius42 TCS is designed exactly for this purpose and has been developed as a system for the treatment of cancer with a view to efficiency in therapy as well as economic aspects. Cost-effective in procurement, inexpensive in maintenance and powerful in therapy implementation - these are the key factors for a successful fight against cancer!
We would be pleased to make you an offer for our solutions. Simply send an e-mail to Info@celsius42.de
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